Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Day!

Ha roo, everypup and everycat! It's me - Zim! All the weather bipeds kept saying we were going to get pounded by a major snow storm today. Ammy confirmed yesterday, then posted a "Here it comes!" to Mom's FaceBook page last night. So far, we have at least 4 inches. Here's Ammy from early this morning:

IMG_4786 Ammy
"Yep. Here it is!"

Us redheads went out after Dad shoveled for the first time to admire his work. Here I am:

IMG_4791 Zim
Me - Zim

I was catching snowflakes on my snooter. Ha roo roo roo!

We went on a nice family walk, of course, to celebrate our first big snow day. Here's Stormy, leading the way:

IMG_4809 Storm
Stormy - our leader!

When we got back to Ao4 HQs, Dave and Storm checked the Mugho bush for bunnies.

IMG_4836 Dave and Storm
Dave and Storm: Anybunny home?

As you can see from their backs, it was (and is, as of this writing) still coming down.

Ammy and I told Dad we still had some unfinished business, so Dave got comfy in the driveway:

IMG_4822 Dave

Check his tail action. Ha roo.

After we did what we needed to do, I thought it was time to get busy on building a really cool snow fort! I always build a really cool snow fort when we get enough snow. It's what I do. Here's a collage of me, hard at work, and Dave coming in to help.


As you can tell, it's something I take very seriously!

Dave and I got some playtime in, too, though - fear not! Mom calls this photo "Bliss".

IMG_4799 Zim
Ha roo!

Ammy said it's not over yet. Who wants to come over?!?

Play bows,

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