Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Snow?

Hi everypuppy and everycat. It's me - Ammy, resident meteorologist here at Ao4 Headquarters. The bipeds on TV have said we're going to get 2-4 more inches of snow tonight. Mom was waiting for me to weigh in on the forecast.

DSCN3103 Ammy

I've got my snow scanner going, and I can smell it out there!

DSCN3107 Ammy
Yep. There's snow heading our way!

I keep wanting to go out and re-check my work, but for some reason Mom doesn't like going out quite so much when it's 4.5℉ (-15℃). Can you believe that? How's a meteorologist supposed to make a snow-cast if she can't go out and stick her snooter up in the air every 15 minutes?


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