Friday, March 12, 2010

Photo Finish Friday

Tail wags, dear readers, it's me - Stormy. Mom and I almost had to draw straws over who would do today's post. She was going to hijack our blog - can you believe that? Fortunately, she still can't stop laughing, so (as always) I am in a more articulate mode than she is. I'm calling this Photo Finish Friday - The Mysterious Case of the Folded Cushions!

It all started last night as we were getting ready for bed. Dave and Am were already in the bedroom waiting for a cookie getting settled in for the night; Zim was in the kitchen making sure Mom remembered the cookies waiting for Mom and Dad, being the gallant pup he is; I was in the kitchen getting a sip of water; and Mom and Dad were doing whatever it is they do. Dad went over to turn out the front lights - and that's when the great mystery began!

He called out to Mom, "Have you seen this?" Or maybe it was, "Did you do this?" Something like that. I couldn't tell. He was laughing too hard. Mom grabbed the camera (she's learned to do that) and went over to see what he was talking about. She started laughing, too, and said that no, she had not done that. They each assured each other they hadn't done it and ... oh ... perhaps you'd like to know what I'm going on about. Here you go:

The Sitzbank

You're all familiar with
the sitzbank by now - not only was an episode of CSI-Siberia conducted there, that's where Zimmie did his Competitive Napping routine for the Cat-O-Lympics. His bronze medal routine! It was quite surprising to see his cushions all folded up so neatly and placed on the floor like that - since both Mom and Dad promised they hadn't done it. How could this have happened?!? Mom has read and watched way too many mysteries and detective shows and decided she should wait by the "scene of the crime".

Still the Sitzbank

Something about the "perp" always showing back up. So she sat on the stairs and waited. I decided I needed to get the show moving along.

DSCN4180 Stormy
"Hey! What are you doing? It's bedtime. Did you remember the cookies?"

Oh, no, no! Don't get me wrong - I didn't do it! Puh-
lease! And if I had, the cushions wouldn't be all neat and folded into the cushion cover like that. This was clearly the work of someone with an attention to detail, someone who could fold and place something square to the sitzbank with almost a military precision. I started investigating the scene when Zimmie walked in!

As soon as he saw Mom, he assumed a very non-chalant pose:

DSCN4182 Storm & Zim
"Hey what's keeping everyb--- ohh. Um... (♬ whistle, whistle, whistle ♫)."

Hmm. What to make of Zim showing up?

He looked real innocent and that looking up and whistling thing seemed to be working ... until Mom said, "Oh, whoever did this sure put a lot of time and effort into it! Such hard work!" And Zim just couldn't help himself.

DSCN4183 Zim
"Oh, not that hard at all, really! Kind of like square-cornering sheets or someth-- uh oh."

Yikes! It was as good as a confession! I leapt into action, coming to the defense of my youngest brother!

"SGT Zim!" I cried. "Double Harp Seal Look on Mom - NOW!"

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Me and SGT Zim, double-teaming Mom
(I got too close to the camera for Mom to get both of us in focus!)

I think we did a smashing job. Mom gave us one of those, "Oh, you guys!" and smooched us and Dad, still laughing, said, "Everyone in the bedroom for cookies; let's go!" (For the record, Mom didn't get a cookie, so I think we must be better behaved than she is.)

As per The Mysterious Case of the Folded Cushion? Freak accident, most likely caused by a draft from the front door. Case closed. Nothing to see here, folks; just move along. Ha roo roo roo! (I've got your six, Zim!)

Tail wags,

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