Sunday, March 21, 2010

Serene Scenery Sunday

Tail wags, dear readers! Stormy here with Serene Scenery Sunday! Earlier in the week, I started looking around for just the right things for Mom to photograph for today's post.

Me, Stormy. Looking around.

Our sunsets are always a big hit and are so very peaceful! Here's one from Wednesday:

Sunset behind Ao4 HQs

Mom says it's "warm and wonderful". Hmm. "Warm". Hmm. Dave said the colors are really tranquil, so I thought I'd include it.

Some of you have asked about our sunrises. It's hard for us to capture them right from the house, but here's a peek at the sunrise on Friday:


If our across-the-street neighbors would just move their house, we could get a much better shot. Ha roo roo roo!

Before our Spring snow storm hit, we took a walk around our gardens to see what was going on. Here is a big bud on our Mohican Viburnum, ready to go!

Mohican Viburnum

Let's hope the snow and ice didn't do too much harm! Also ready to go are the Purple Emperor Sedum:

Purple Emperor Sedum

When Mom and I were out front, a lovely Cardinal couple was out, singing their songs and gathering little twigs to supplement their nest. Here is Mrs. Cardinal, policing up some of the dried grasses for her homestead:

Mrs. Cardinal

Isn't she beautiful? Her husband (did you know Cardinals mate for life?) was also hopping around, but Mom couldn't get a clear photo of him.

Speaking of redheads, when Zim went to the Top of the World on Friday, he had Mom take this shot of our hills:

From the Top of the World, facing east

Our wide-open vistas are very soothing, aren't they? Very serene!

For some reason, Mom didn't mark this photo to use for our peaceful post today, but the four of us Sibes sure like it. It's our Mugho bush out front:

Snow on the Mugho

Just beautiful, isn't it?

I hope you enjoyed our scenery! Have a serene Sunday!

Tail wags,

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