Sunday, March 14, 2010

Serene Scenery Sunday

Ha roo, pups and cool cats! It's me, Zim, here with Serene Scenery Sunday. Yesterday was a typical March day here in Kansas - windy, cold, and rainy. We all went on a couple rounds of walks in the morning and early afternoon. Mom took a chance on the rain holding off and brought her camera; she took a couple pix of Ammy and me that I thought I'd share.

Here we are on the way out on one of the walks:

DSCN4190 Amber & Zim

That's the Yammer in front, and me behind her. I thought I saw one of my kit-cat pals down there in the back yards.

Here we are at about the same place on the way home:

DSCN4194 Amber & Zim

I was still looking for my friend. I just KNOW there was a kit-cat back there!

(Is it just me, or is Ammy holding her nose funny in that second photo? It's like ... she has her nose out of joint or something. Ha roo roo roo! Had to say that.)

It may not seem in keeping with Serene Scenery Sunday to post those pix, but we had such nice walks, and Mom did a pretty good job with those two. (Dave and Stormy were there, Mom just couldn't get any good photos of them.)

In the afternoon, Mom and I headed out on a really cool adventure. She had read about this park we'd never been to where there are supposed to be all kinds of cool birdies; she thought it would be fun for the two of us to check it out! We had a slight change of plans when Mom discovered there are no paved roads to that park (...or a place to turn around once you discover the lack of paved roads), and the dirt roads were really muddy! I thought it would be fun to get out and walk the rest of the way to the park through the mud, but oddly that was a no-go. Instead, we drove out to Anneberg Park. (You may remember us going there before - that's where my goose friends live!)

My goose friends weren't there - they must have been inside having a nice hot cappuccino or something. It was so windy there were white caps on the Amber Ocean! Check out this cool collage:


Can you see how windy it was? If you can't see the white caps, check out my fur in that shot in the middle! The water was making cool sounds on the rocks; I listened to it, but couldn't figure out what it was saying!

Mom and I had a great time. We don't let the weather stop us from having fun and finding serenity. Check out this zen-like moment:

DSCN4198 Zim
Ah, sweet serenity!

We'll get to that other park one day. Apparently mud and a
white sports car don't mix. Or don't mix well. Ha roo roo roo!

Have a serene Sunday, everyone, wherever your adventures take you!

Play bows,

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