Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hit The Trail With the Redheads!

Hi everypuppy and everycat! It's me - Ammy! Did you see Zimmie's Wordless Wednesday post yesterday!? We had just the BEST walk the other day! He and I went down lots of parts of the Hudson Trail and we saw about a million squirrels! They were everywhere! It was very exciting! We saw lots of other things, too. Mom took pix with her iPhone so we could tell you all about it.

Here's a collage I put together of some of the photos:


You can see us on different parts of the trail, pulling and snoofing and checking the treetops for squirrels! Remember the new color-coding - my leash is hot pink camo and Zim's is woodland green!

At one point during our walk, we heard these VERY loud calls of "
Ha-looooo! Ha-looooo!" The voices were VERY friendly and excited! I looked over and this is what I saw:

IMG_4648 Basset Trio

Can you see them behind their fence? (You can click and see a larger image in FlickR.) It was a trio of Bassets! We wagged our tails at them and asked if they knew
Martha and Bailey Basset, but they said they didn't. That's really too bad - they would all make a lovely quintet!

There were all kinds of wonderful smells on the trail! Here is Zim, checking out some crunchy leaves:

IMG_4642 Zim

Do you remember the
limestone chunks Zim posed on when we had our foggy walk? We got to walk down the part of the trail that starts/ends there - and Mom asked us to pose on the rocks. Here's a collage:


Do you see the picture of Zimmie in the top row, third picture from the left? We saw a fire engine go by! Can you see it? We thought about singing with the siren, but decided not to. Oh! And see the shot of Zim in the bottom row, also third one over? He was thinking about doing something other than striking a pose on the limestone... if you boy puppies know what I mean.

IMG_4674 Happy Ammy
Hee hee hee! Zim's so funny!

He can always make me laugh. A puppy's got to do what a puppy's got to do!

In other news, remember Mom's super secret project? Everything's done except for making a label (she does special calligraphy on the back) and doing a special inscription type thingie. Here's the front so far:


And here's the back:


She's very happy about this, and so are we - more time for walkies!!! Umm... after the whole calligraphy thing. Yea!


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