Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serene Scenery Sunday

Woo, everypup and everycat. It's me, Dave, here with Serene Scenery Sunday. As my kid brother told you yesterday, we were such a help to Mom while she was working with that indull... indellybull... indebib... permanent ink that she took us boys on a really nice long walk. I thought I'd share some pictures with you, since that walk made us all feel nice and serene. Ready to get hiking?

We saw these really cool berries on the walk. Someredhead was too busy trying to eat them for Mom to get a photo, but she did snap these the other day:


These are from
the walk the redheads took down the Hudson Trail; they saw the same berries! Can you see the berries OK? Mom didn't have the Nikon with her, just the iPhone, so she couldn't get a close up. Maybe a lighter background would help you see them more clearly...

IMG_4676 Zim

Isn't that better? Zim's a real helpful guy, isn't he?

On to the rest of our walk. We were up at the crest of one of our hills in the undeveloped area. Now that it's been really, really cold, Mom's not as concerned about bugs and stuff. Here I am, checking everything out:

IMG_4722 Dave
Me - Dave

There were so many sights and smells and sounds up there! Here's Zimmie taking it all in:

IMG_4725 Zim

He's pretty well camouflaged in that tall grass, isn't he?

It was really peaceful up there. Here I am, looking mighty serene:

IMG_4726 Dave
Me again - Dave. A tranquil moment.

Do you feel more peaceful yet? How about a double-dose of us boys?

IMG_4728 Dave and Zim
Me and Zim.

Yeah. It was so beautiful up there. The sun was starting to set, so we headed home. As we turned, Zim looked at me and asked...

IMG_4729 Dave and Zim
Peaceful walk, wasn't it, Dave? Wanna do zoomies when we get home?

Ha woo. And in case you're wondering, of course I did - and so of course we did. I've got the most fun brother ever!

Have a Serene Sunday. Woo.

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