Sunday, January 10, 2010

Serene Scenery Sunday

Tail wags, dear readers. It's me - Stormy - here with Serene Scenery Sunday. I'd like to start this week's entry with a relatively rare atmospheric condition that Mom captured on film earlier this week. It's called sundogs (read more about it at that link) and everyone around here was all abuzz about seeing it! Our favorite TV weather people (49 Storm Team!) blogged about it and put Mom's photo on the news! If you check their gallery (at that link), you'll see some truly amazing shots! Here's Mom's:


It's that almost rainbow-looking arc around the sun! Cool, isn't it? And just to clarify ... that is called SUNdogs. This next one is of SNOWdogs.

Top row: me (Storms) and Zim; bottom row: Ammy and Dave

Ha roo roo roo! (That was Ammy's idea!)

Here's a close-up of the mugho bush in our front yard:


Mom said seeing something green in all of our snow made her feel serene. What could be more serene than snow? I mean, where does she come up with these things?!

Here's a shot taken on one of our walks earlier this week.


For lack of true identification, we'll call them
Cool Corkscrew Weeds. It works, don't you think?

And here is a little group of


They always remind us of all of our wonderful friends in Scotland! We know you all are blanketed by a bunch of snow these days, too. Isn't it wonderful?

If all that snow isn't something to howl about, I don't know what is. Oh, wait... how about this?

DSCN2204 copy
Ha rooooooooo!

Ha roo roo roo! Mom played around with photos she took of me and of the moon - and thought we went well together. Doesn't a good howl make you feel serene? It works for any bipeds out there, too - really! Give it a try and tell me if it doesn't make you feel good!

Have a serene Sunday!

Tail wags,

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