Sunday, April 11, 2010

Super Secret Sunday

Tail wags, pups and kittens, it's me, Stormy. Zimmie has already shown you that Huffle Mawson is visiting us from Australia while her parents are on vacation, then showed you photos of Huffs being shown around Ao4 HQs. I thought I'd take the next installment about our secret visitor myself. She is settling in nicely and we've been showing her all around!

To see how she'd do out on a walk, I escorted her myself on the first one. Since Huffle is an honorary husky, she has to be on a leash like the rest of us! Since I have blue camo, Ammy has pink, Dave has desert and Zim has woodland green, we thought it would be cool for Huffle to have purple. Here's a little special effects photo Mom did of that first walk; doesn't Huffle's leash look great on her!!??

Huffle and me (Storms)

We had a great walk together, and by the next day, I thought she was ready to walk with all of us - Mom, Dad and the whole Ao....5.
Ha roo roo roo! Dad held all the leashes while we were up by the water tower so Mom could get a picture. Oh - and can you tell? Ammy started cracking jokes!

DSCN4378_2 Huffle takes a walk with the Ao4
"Hey, Huffle! Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn? She had mittens! Hee hee hee!!!"
"Umm... good one, Ammy. Hey, Storm, can I walk over there by you?"
"Whoa! Careful, Huffs!"
"Ha roo roo roo... 'mittens'! Yeah, come on over here by me, Huffle!"

There's nothing more enjoyable after a walk than a round of zoomies then to sit out on the deck. We don't have any zoomie pix for you - they were really blurry! - but here's another special effects pic Mom did of Zimmie and Huffle out soaking up the sun.

Zim and Huffs, the bestest of friends

Needless to say, Zimmie looks thrilled to have his bestest friend here, doesn't he?!? We all just love having her here!

We'll post more pix from her visit next Sunday. Now remember - her parents think she's back in Australia with Uncle Heath while they're out galavanting around the globe -- so mum's the word!

Tail wags,

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