Sunday, November 22, 2009

Serene Scenery Sunday

Ha roo, pups and cool cats - Zim here, with Serene Scenery Sunday. Ammy's here, too. We thought we'd post pix from the walk we took to the Kansas Ocean the other day. Nothing can make a pup or a kit feel more serene than a walk to the ocean! Let's go!

Here are some flowers we passed on our way. We see these all the time:


Mom loves the splash of color amid the rocks and pine straw. Anyone know what these are? Anyone? Aunt Janet? Bren? Pink flowers. Ferris? Anyone. Whatever they are, they make Mom smile!

There are still some sunflowers around, too! Here's Ammy checking some out:

IMG_4380 Ammy and Sunflowers

Oh. And that's my tail. Ha roo roo roo!

A shout out to our buddy MaxDog in South Africa! He planted sunflowers for us as a Christmas present - and they're blooming!!! I have a feeling Am was thinking of him when she snoofed our sunflowers! Can you feel the love, Max?!

On our approach to the ocean, I felt like someone was watching us. Or following us! I looked up, and this is who it was:


A hawk! Isn't he grand!?!? We love hawks - they're so powerful and majestic!!!

He kept pace with us, almost like he was leading the way. It reminded us to look all around for serene scenery - to include looking up! Here's a collage we put together:


You can click on any of these pix to go to our
FlickR page for a closer look! We also have the individual shots in there; Mom said to please keep in mind that as she was holding two leashes that led to pulling puppies (who... us?) and a poop bag, it was a challenge to focus her camera on the hawk. Especially without a tripod. And something about a zoom lens. ("And with two puppies pulling.") (I think I covered that, Mom.) We need to get back to serene things...

Here's the shot all you man-pups have been waiting for - Ammy at the ocean!

DSCN2706 Amber

I must say, she's gorgeous, isn't she? And fear not, babes - here I am, striking a pose:

DSCN2701 Zim
Me - SGT Zim

Here are some of the sights we saw at the Kansas Ocean:


For some reason, Mom was fascinated by these dried wildflowers:


They look like soldiers standing up, defending the high ground, don't they? What do they make you think of?

Those were the serene highlights of our walk. We'll share more pix later this week, but that's enough for now.

DSCN2720 Zim and Ammy
Thanks for coming with us!

I hope you had as much fun as we did! Have a serene Sunday!

Play bows,

PS: Please don't forget about the fund-raiser for Blake Freking's Iditarod run! International shipping available!!! :)

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