Sunday, November 15, 2009

Serene Scenery Sunday

Ha roo, pups, kit-cats and serenity lovers. It's me, Zim, here with this week's look around for peaceful scenery to share. How about we start in our backyard. Ready?

Guess what is still in bloom? Our day lilies! The leaves are all brown, but check out the flowers:

DSCN2622 NOV day lily

Pretty cool, huh? I like that splash of color in all the different tans.

The Rose of Sharon right above the lilies isn't blooming any more, but check out what it looks like!

DSCN2625 NOV Rose of Sharon

Even during the off-season, you can find beauty! Speaking of beauty .... everyone loves roses! Look at ours:

DSCN2632 NOV roses

It still offers intense color!

In Ammy's post the other day, you could also see a lot of our cool ornamental grasses - those always make me feel serene! You know what else makes me feel good?

DSCN2660 Zim

Mom and I set off on a ride just the other day. We pulled over at one point to do a little exploring.

DSCN2667 Zim exploring

While out there, we looked over toward the west and could see some of our troops at Fort Riley out training! Well, not exactly our soldiers themselves, but look!

DSCN2661 Chinook

A Chinook helicopter, practicing a supply drop! Isn't that cool? Seeing our troops train and hearing them out on the ranges makes all of us feel serene; the more they train, the safer they are in battle. We call the sounds of them firing out on the ranges the sounds of freedom!!!

I thought I'd do a little training myself. Here I am, working on my camouflage:

DSCN2669 Zim exploring

I'm back there behind that big stalk of grass. Can you see me?

Ammy and I went on a great walk together on Veterans Day. Here we are, arriving back at Ao4 Headquarters:

IMG_4323 Ammy and Zim
Ammy and me!

The sight of home is always a good one!

Speaking of Ammy, she wanted me to toss in a couple sunset pix!

DSCN2569 8 NOV 09 sunset

These are both from the 8th.

DSCN2576 8 NOV 09 sunset

Do they make you feel serene? Here's one last one of me, taken on Veterans Day.

DSCN2583 Zim on Veterans Day
Me, thinking about our troops.

Have a serene Sunday, everyone. Think about the things you love and that bring you inner peace!

Play bows,

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