Sunday, October 25, 2009

Serene Scenery Sunday

Ha roo, pups and cool cats. Zim here with Serene Scenery Sunday. Storm thought we should share some of our Fall color with you, so let's get to it!

Here's a look the the White Ash:

DSCN2323 Zim

Not white... but I guess I won't go there. Oh, yeah. Those are my feety-feet. I was having a serene moment on the deck. Want a closer look?

DSCN2324 Zim

How's this? Yeah, I was just chillin' and enjoying the scenery.

Here's a look at the Purple Ash tree.

IMG_4083 Zim

I'm no Guide Dog for the Color Blind, but not only does that White Ash not look white, that Purple Ash doesn't look purple to me. Excuse me a minute, readers. [Yes, Storm? It was earlier? Yeah, OK. Well, it's not now. Why not call it a Green Then Purple Then-- HEY! HEY! Leggo of my...]

Hi everypuppy and everycat! It's me, Ammy! Stormy said I could finish out Zimmie's post for him! Isn't that sweet?!?! And she strongly recommended I stick to the "
serene" part of Serene Scenery Sunday. Yes, Stormy!

How about a look around our backyard?!? Here's a collage of me touring the gardens. That tree in the middle is the Purple Ash Zimmie told you about.


Here's a leaf collage:


The really brilliant reds (and the tree I'm sitting under) are from the Amur Maples. I love the color AND the fact that the Amur River runs through Siberia!

Here's something that really made all of us feel serene this week - an award from our dear friends Martha and Bailey!

WOWZERS!  Thanks, Basset Babes!

They made it for all of their friends and we just love them to pieces and are really honored to call them "friends" and accept the award! Thank you, Martha and Bailey!!!

We had some really gorgeous sunsets during the week, too! Here are two looks at Monday's sunset; first a panoramic look:


...and here's a close-up of the colors:

DSCN2386 19 OCT 09 sunset

Isn't it stunning? Here's the sunset from last night:

DSCN2440 24 OCT 09 sunset

It was a great way to finish off the week!

That's it from me (and Zim). I hope you have a tranquil, happy Sunday. Remember to smile - you'll feel it all the way deep inside!

DSCN2338 Ammy


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