Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What To Do On A Cold, Blustery Day!

Hi everypuppy and everycat! It's me - Ammy. Oh, what a great weekend we had. No, we didn't get snow like some of our friends did. The weather bipeds said we'd have snow showers, but I said no, that I thought we'd get slight flurries and well... flurries it was. Or were. But anyway, it did get really cold and blustery (below freezing and windy) and the obvious choice of what to do was "go for a walk"! Yea!

Mom decided Zimmie and I would go on the additional walk (all of us had already been on one in the morning). She grabbed her jacket and iPhone and we headed out. Zim and I weren't really sure where we were going at first. We got up to the area where we have some choices to make...

IMG_4005 10OCT09 Ammy and Zim
Maybe the Hudson Trail?

...and Zim thought maybe we were going to go to the Hudson Trail. We were in the right area - here's one of the sunflowers that marks our way:

IMG_4004 10OCT09

Mom decided we'd had a hard enough frost and could head through a path in the undeveloped land! Ooooh, that's even more exciting! There are all kinds of wonderful smells in there!!!

IMG_4007 10OCT09 Ammy and Zim

We smelled all kinds of wonderful things like other puppies and coyotes, and we saw neat birdies like quail (had Mom been quicker with her iPhone, we would have shown you the covey of quail we flushed out!) and my favorite birdie the Killdeer! There were a few sunflowers growing along the trail, too; here's a look at one:

IMG_4006  10OCT09

Mom didn't have the good camera with her, so all of these were taken with the iPhone. It's a good thing she forgot her gloves, or it would have been hard to take pictures!

IMG_4008 10OCT09 Ammy
Hee hee hee! Just kidding, Mom.

Anyway, as you can see from the photo above, we eventually got to where the sidewalk starts and we followed that. It weaves down a very steep hill (we had VERY much fun pulling Mom down that; how odd that she didn't take any photos!) and ends up here.

IMG_4020 10OCT09 Zim and Ammy
I think that's the 10th hole of the golf course beyond those "You"-waves of grain, Amber!
Oooh, those golfers must have frosty paws!

Not that kind of Frosty Paws! Hee hee hee!

We turned a bit to the left... and now you'll see exactly where we ended up!

IMG_4030 10OCT09 Zim and Ammy

The Kansas Ocean! The perfect place to be when it's cold and blustery! Or any other time.

Thanks for coming with us!

Ammy (and Zimmie, too!)

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